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Frank Lloyd Wright stood in stark contrast to the modern architectural movement. The disciples of the International Style, as it was called, saw Wright as the John the Baptist who heralded the coming of the modern age, though had since become Yesterday's Man. Wright saw the Internationalists as a load of pretentious, self-
Broadacre City was Wright's vision of the future city that was a rejection of what seemed to be the inevitability of the modern. In fact, it had less to do with Futurama that G. K. Chesterton's "six acres and a cow." Where others foresaw phalanxes of skyscrapers trying to top one another or suburban developments fringed by industrial parks, Wright envisioned a "city" where each family lived in a house on an acre of land with the rolling hills punctuated by a scatter of towers and the odd electric factory.
I particularly like the personal helicopters with the rotor blades that double as fish scalers.
Trout grow big in FLW land.